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Follow Kate on Social Media or sponsor her Patreon
Comedian, writer, activist

Kate Smurthwaite has written for TV comedy shows from Have I Got News For You to BBC3’s BAFTA-winning The Revolution Will Be Televised. She has written and performed 17 solo comedy shows which have gone on to win awards and tour nationally and internationally. She has also written for many household names in comedy, internet shows, radio and podcast formats and written humorous columns for The Guardian, The Telegraph, The Mirror, New Statesman, New Internationalist, Cosmopolitan and Stylist.
In this masterclass series she shares thirty different techniques for generating material on any topic. Quite possibly the most in depth, varied and comprehensive comedy writing class ever produced.
Approaches covered include observational and anecdotal comedy, political and topical humour, word play and one liners, comedy scripts and songs. Kate also covers honing material, tweaks and editing to polish your work to perfection.
From Kate:
“This masterclass is intended to take you from ‘I have some funny ideas/stories/material’ to ‘I can write high quality comedy on any topic quickly and professionally’. I hope you’ll enjoy the exercises and I look forward to working with you to develop your work further."
Immediate access to all ten of Kate’s masterclass videos. Each video is approximately 30 minutes long, covers three different comedy techniques and includes an array of exercises to stimulate your comedy writing skills.
A one hour one-on-one online or in-person tutorial with Kate to answer questions or provide feedback on your writing.
All for £150